The Wanderer wrote:

> I understand this to mean: "there is a known way to achieve what I want
> by editing xorg.conf, but I want a solution which can be configured and
> adjusted by an ordinary user, and thus a solution which requires that
> the user have permissions to edit xorg.conf is not viable".
> Personally, I suspect that the answer is that no solution which
> satisfies the specified criteria exists; it wouldn't even surprise me if
> one can't be created, at least not without the intermediary of a suid
> binary (and I'm not fully clear on what such a binary would do). But for
> all I know there might be something, and I'm not interested in provoking
> flames, so I've kept quiet.

"without root permissions to edit xorg.conf" is contradiction in itself as
the file (if it exists) is r/w only by root, so you can not edit xorg.conf
without root permissions. 

What should I say more?!

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