Hi, When I was figuring out "how to get battery full notification?" in GNOME DE, I came across "Battery Charge Monitor Manual", in which it's mentioned that there is a setting available to get notify when battery is fully recharged; but in GNOME 3, currently there is no way available to get battery full notification, alas! I've to write by own script and schedule it using "cron" (any suggestions, if you've better idea).
Steps to reproduce: 1). Open "yelp" (aka gnome-help or help) 2). Click on "burger" icon (icon with three horizontal lines), present in right-topmost part of title. 3). Click on "All Help" option. 4). Click on third section from top i.e. "Battery Charge Monitor Manual". 5). Click on "Preferences" option. Now, look into documentation, I think, this part of document is deprecated in GNOME 3. I asked about this, on #gnome IRC, some Ubuntu users confirmed that they don't see this document in "yelp". Is it a bug? Or, am I missing something? Cheers, Vipul