On Saturday 09 November 2019 10:07:43 Andy Smith wrote:

> Hello,
> On Fri, Nov 08, 2019 at 10:55:33PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > unforch, reinstalling apache2 is not a workable situation because it
> > was built for the repos w/o libwrappers support.  Dumb and forces me
> > to run iptables to block the bots that are DDOSing my site.
> This is a really odd conclusion. Apache has a very rich syntax for
> authentication and authorization that makes protecting it with
> tcpwrappers rather pointless.
Then, if thats the case, why has no one attempted to teach me how to do 
all this iptables stuffs within apache2?

If its all that great, why aren't people using it?

Seems like an excellent pair of questions to me...

I'm finally, with iptables, getting some peace from the DDOS, but I'm 
finding that I may as well use a /24 on the addies to drop.

> Just because you only have a hammer, doesn't mean that every piece of
> software is a nail.

To clarify, I will use the nail that works.  And iptables seems to be the 
correct nail in this case.

> Regards,
> Andy

Thank you Andy

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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