On Wednesday, November 06, 2019 08:13:10 AM 황병희 wrote: > > Several times a week I receive a HTML email with numerous links. Mutt > > (or neoMutt, which I am using until I upgrade my Debian installation) > > seems not to be a good solution for such messages.
Just to throw one more suggestion into the ring, I'm sure older versions of kmail can do what you want, like the one in KDE 4.8.4 / Debian Wheezy (kmail 1.13.7). You might have to do a little futzing around, I'm not sure you could directly make your maildir the "inbox" in kmail (but maybe, I don't really know). What I do for some things like this is put a symlink (soft link) in the kmail mail directory (in my case /<tld>/Mail) and then kmail finds them and can open them just fine (and, I can reply if I want to). I forget how I convinced kmail to use /<tld>/Mail instead of its default as the mail directory -- presumably a setting in the kmail config file.