On 23/10/2019 07:32, John Covici wrote:

On Tue, 22 Oct 2019 21:30:25 -0400,
Nicholas Geovanis wrote:

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On Tue, Oct 22, 2019, 6:29 PM Default User <hunguponcont...@gmail.com> wrote:

  Guys, it seems like SystemRescueCD could be on the way out. Over 6 months 
since a release, and a quick glance at GitLab did not seem to show any commits 
since then either (but I could be wrong).

  I have looked for a replacement utility distribution, but just can't seem to 
find anything good.

You don't like knoppix? Or a derivative of it? I won't claim they are feature 
equivalent, but can be made so IB.

  If it is going to be abandonware, what then? Ideas?

I need something with zfs capabilities, I don't think knoppix has

Long time Sysrescue user here, I switched to Parrot [1] months ago, very satisfied. It's very close to Debian too, so you can use your existing skills. As for zfs support I can't comment, but since it is basically a forensic/rescue/security Debian spin you should get what you want if it's in Debian, or install it if it's just an "apt" away. Parrot comes in various sizes, desktop environments and format, more chances to find what you need.

Disclaimer: I have no link or affiliation to Parrot, I just use it regularly.

[1] https://parrotlinux.org/

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