From: David Wright, Thu, 10 Oct 2019 00:18:34 -0500 > telnetd is ancient ...
Recency of development is a criterion for choosing a tool. (?) The ball-peen hammer as we know it would have been developed before 1900. Might have been prior to 1800. The pneumatic hammer was developed in the 1920s and '30s. ( ) Therefore we should always choose the pneumatic rather than the ball-peen. Recency is minded but shouldn't dictate. > sshd is ... secure. This scenario is in one machine which is running shorewall. The LAN has another firewall. What are the risks to the telnet protocol in this case? > Why would you be typing a password after typing ssh localhost? > Just type: > > $ cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys Valid point. Incidently the hyperlinks in my reply to Charles Curley ( ) seem OK. The list server is is flummoxed when there are more than 2 or 3 or 4 References? Then I should insert only two references. By hasty count, 6 mouse clicks. Regards, ... Peter E. -- Tel: +1 604 670 0140 Bcc: peter at easthope. ca