On Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 09:45:12AM +0300, Reco wrote: > On Tue, Oct 01, 2019 at 09:12:42PM -0700, pe...@easthope.ca wrote: > > peter@joule:~$ grep telnet /etc/inetd.conf > > #<off># telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd > > /usr/sbin/telnetd -a none -E /bin/bash > > > > Not sure #<off># should be there. Have yet to find an explanation for it. > > No, it should not be there because it disables telnetd this way. Hence > aforementioned "echo" command above.
And Debian disables telnetd this way because no sensible Linux distribution would enable telnetd by default. They gave you the rope and the instructions. It's up to you to actually tie the noose around your own neck. Just delete the stupidly obvious this-line-is-commented-out-on-purpose token, and then reload inetd. If you don't know how to do those things, or if you can't figure this out just by glancing at the configuration file, then you have zero business fucking with telnetd. Here, here's the source code showing the script that does this. https://sources.debian.org/src/inetutils/2:1.9.4-7/debian/inetutils-telnetd.postinst/ They didn't even bother putting a comment in the script, because it's so bleedingly obvious to every single person reading this script why they would insert the configuration line in a disabled state. telnetd is INSECURE and SHOULD NOT BE USED unless you have an incredibly good, specific, well-thought-out, EXPLICITLY STATED reason. You have not stated ANY reasons for your requests. NONE. Despite MANY people asking you to do so. Despite REPEATED warnings. So, I'm done with you. I'm adding you to the same file that the illustrious Mr. Owlett is in, so I never have to read your mangled, nonsensical crap again.