Hi, I'm currently having issues with a LENOVO ideapad320.
Using Stretch was smooth. But this weekend I've updated to Buster and I'm having trouble to shutdown the system. Rebooting also freezes. Watchdog says the CPU number #something is 22 seconds froze. I usually don't use "logout" since it is my personal laptop and I only uses KDE, but I've decided to give i3wm a try and because of that I discovered that not only shutdown and reboot hangs the system, but also logout. I need to finish shutdown with SysReq commands everytime to sync, umount and turn off. Not sure what logs I need to look, but kern.log shows nouveau driver having problems. Not much to go after, but may be a tip. Also, I've tried to add ACPI=force to grub, just in case, to test. Nothing changed. A small detail: my var partition is separated from the root. I'm telling this because in the old system ever reboot gave me a "unable to umount var". But it was ok. When I installed Stretch in 2018 I researched the problem and it was only a warning from journal.conf that could be solved by using "volatile". Anyway, I even considered to move /var to the root just to test, but after reading more about the problem I decided not to pursue this way. It must be something else... Maybe I could try to remove nouveau just to test. But since removing and adding nouveau is really hard, and the video is working great, I want to check with you guys first for more fresh ideas. Has anyone had trouble shutting down Buster? What other options do I have to try to find the problem and a possible solution? Any other logs may be of interest? Thanks. Bèco, -- Linux user since it was called "just a hobby" (by L. Torvald) -- Dr Beco A.I. researcher "I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant" -- Alan Greenspan GPG Key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x5A107A425102382A Creation date: pgp.mit.edu ID as of 2014-11-09