
The RStudio application, a popular IDE-like tool for programming in R, 
is not to my knowledge packaged in the mainstream Debian repositories. 
The makers of RStudio, however, provide a package which can be 
downloaded from their website for installation in Debian.

The most recent package they provide is aiming at Stretch -- they don't 
seem to have produced a Buster version yet.

The Stretch-facing package installs into Buster without error, but then 
fails when you try to launch it because it has a dependency on 
libssl1.0.2 and Buster uses libssl1.1 (and presumably this dependency 
isn't recorded at the package level)

If one downloads libssl1.0.2 from the Debian package pool and installs 
it, it appears to install OK and RStudio starts working -- but, what 
damage / compromise is that likely to have done to the system? Is it OK 
to do this? Should one take other steps to prevent libssl1.0.2 being 
used by other applications?



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