On Saturday 21 September 2019 17:30:23 deloptes wrote: > Gene Heskett wrote: > > And I've had it totally destroy several systems. So I consider it > > dangerous, a tool of absolute last resort. And another 23 packages > > pulled in to install it. > > > > It would take me at least 4 days to recreate this pr4 install > > running this kernel, just to get ready to build linuxcnc. > > > > Aptitude has yet to warn me that installing *this* package will > > damned near format the drive. Until it does, and gives me a way to > > back out, I don't trust it. > > > > And not even aptitude cannot find gtk-2-devel. Next? > > But Gene, no one does it this way. You should run an emulator like > qemu and prepare a build environment. Then build your packages with > debuild and then install the packages on your RPi4. > > The way you need installing dev packages only in the emulator ;-) and > not on each target device. > > regards
Might be ok, deloptes, but if I build it on the target device, I know it will run on the target device. I've already built its own PREEMPT-RT kernel from the same sources as the stock kernel and rebooted after taking advantage of a feature I hadn't noted before in /boot/config.txt, the ability to name the kernel file it loads. So after I copied only the /arch/arm/boot/zImage to /boot/kernel-rt, and a reboot, a uname -a reports: Linux rpi4 4.19.71-rt24-v7l+ #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Fri Sep 20 14:17:36 EDT 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux So now, on an 240GB ssd plugged into a usb3 port, I'm building a fresh clone of linuxcnc-master with "dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc" from the linuxcnc wiki. Probably hotter than a little red wagon because that script is using all 4 cores at 95+%, with only ambient cooling from one of the covers the whole top of the card fanless heat sinks. But its building an installable deb. On the machine its going to run on. Now how cool is that? I'll put the deb up on my web site and announce it to the linuxcnc list and forum once it does run. Humm, this copy won't on a pi4 though, I should have installed the new hm2_rpspi.ko source files first, as this one only runs on a pi3. Fixable of course. So I'll keep this copy or blow it away if it won't run on a pi3. I'll install it, then take the card to the pi3 for a smoke test. Dunno if this kernel will run on the 3 though, the dtbs are probably wrong. Interesting times indeed. I am looking fwd to realtime video. The sloth speed video on the rpi3 is getting tiresome. Runs the machine fine but the backplot is most of a second behind the machine. Cheers, Gene Heskett -- "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author) If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable. - Louis D. Brandeis Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>