On суббота, 21 сентября 2019 г. 01:37:39 MSK, Mark Fletcher wrote:
Hi there

If one wants to create a new systemd service on Buster, for example for some home-grown unit, where would be the right place to put the .service file? Candidates are obviously /lib/systemd/system or /etc/systemd/system but in both cases that would mean dropping files in places that really ought to be left to package management (or at least I can see an argument for that). Is there a better / safer / less-likely-to-be-missed-in-a-backup place to put them?

/etc/systemd/system is the perfect place for it, all user config goes there, and system-provided units or "wants" are placed in /lib, never in /etc.

If you doubt it, look at systemd.unit(5) man page:

/etc/systemd/system | System units created by the administrator

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