UPDATE: Bullseye's *GIMP upgrade now WORKS (for me)!*

On 9/18/19, Cindy Sue Causey <butterflyby...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/18/19, Renato Gallo <ren...@aster-lab.com> wrote:
>> GIMP crash on taking a screenshot
> Hey, Renato.. I myself tuned out as soon as I saw the word "Kali" the
> other day. Didn't realize it was about GIMP.. so YEAH, ME, TOO! DEBIAN
> Bullseye upgrade a couple days ago.

What didn't click in mind for the first response I posted was that we
were possibly both talking about PNG files. My copy failed while
trying to click open then edit some Xfce4 printscreen PNG files by
right clicking from within Thunar file manager.

> PS *VERY COOL* how they do what they do there. I think I took a
> printscreen to share in places such as here at Debian-User as an
> example for others to potentially pursue in their own projects.
> Did you file a bug report? How they present that crash information
> made it look SUPER easy to follow up by reaching out to them directly.
> Me? I, ummmm.. purged mine before pursuing. I was going to try to
> regress. Never got the whoosie-what's-it terminal command correct to
> step back down to a functional package that I NEED DESPERATELY.

So the purging the other day meant I had to reinstall SOMETHING in
order to possibly help test why GIMP's upgrade failed. I decided to
reinstall the upgrade so I could next gain the skill of a hopefully
successful downgrade.

Reinstalling the buggy upgrade triggered TWO MORE package
downloads/upgrades just now: libgegl-common and libgegl-0.4-0. They
must have been the problem because my copy works for PNG, JPEG, and
XCF files all opened again from within Thunar.

So maybe that will help you now? If not, there's still always those
nice bug reporting directions that were in the COOL popup that *my*
copy presented, anyway.

> PPS I tripped over new apt-get skills in the process so I am SO NOT
> complaining! :D
> GIMP does make it look REALLY easy to help them out if you follow
> their directions (in case anyone else encounters this). *VERY COOL,
> VERY COGNITIVELY FRIENDLY FEATURE!!!* Surprised the doodah out of me
> when it popped up because their product has ALWAYS worked flawlessly
> for the almost 2 decades I've been playing in their sandbox.
>> GNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.10.8
>> git-describe: GIMP_2_10_6-294-ga967e8d2c2
>> C compiler:
>>     Using built-in specs.
>>     COLLECT_GCC=gcc
>>     COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/lto-wrapper
>>     OFFLOAD_TARGET_NAMES=nvptx-none:hsa
>> < Rest snipped for brevity >

PPPS Learned something else on the fly here: Installs WILL occur even
if specifically requested after apt-mark has been used to mark
something on hold. That's nice to know. It was a thumbs up since I DID
want to install a package while knowing that package had been
deliberately placed on momentary hold... purely because we can.

It was all about poking around under the Debian hood again since this
upgrade fail opportunity unexpectedly presented itself. I think this
may be the first package crash I've EVER experienced. Ditto on the
*thumbs up* for that because my email inbox hints that time span may
go back almost TEN YEARS. :)

PPPPS regarding my downgrade attempt the other day: If this Debian
wiki page is anywhere near correct, I keyed in the right command the
other day so I don't know WHY my GIMP downgrade attempt failed:


I'm going to tinker around with that again just for fun and 'cause it
left the taste of #FAIL in its tracks.

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with.. a fabulous new grasp of WHY we use deb-src in
apt/apt-get sources *

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