Dan Ritter <d...@randomstring.org> writes:

> Sharon Kimble wrote: 
>> How can I configure logwatch to only fire off at midnight, instead of
>> its current 0738, please?
> If I recall correctly, logwatch is run via cron.daily, which
> means anacron does it as part of its own routine.
> anacron is fired off via /etc/crontab.
> You have two choices:
> 1. edit the whole daily anacron job in /etc/crontab, which will
> affect lots of jobs
> or
> 2. move the logwatch job out of /etc/cron.daily to /etc/cron.d, then
> reformat it to be a proper cron job (give it a specific time to
> run in crontab format)
> -dsr-

Thanks for this Dan, and also Charles.

I took the path of least problems and used option 2. I already had a
logwatch job working in roots crontab, so now I'm just getting the
midnight logwatch, which is what I wanted.

Thanks very much both.
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