On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, s. keeling wrote:
> If you need to understand it to use it, you've got the source.  What
> more could you need?  That's not good enough?  Don't use it.  You
> think it would be better with good documentation?  Great.  Go write
> some.  Oh, you want me to write some?  Why?  I don't think it needs
> it since I have no trouble using it.

thats what i say .. source is all the documentation one needs ...
        but it is 1000x faster to understand/search for what one needs
        in well documeented/well organized howto/faq and "EXAMPLES"

        - examples is 100x better than all the rest of the flush

and yup.. one can always write or rewrite or submit patches to existing
documents too

> The LDP is always looking for volunteers.  Hint, hint.  The common
> sense answer to this whole thread is, "Don't look a gift horse in the
> mouth."

and definitely dont shoot the gift horse .. for any reason ..

c ya

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