On Tue 27 Aug 2019 at 14:27:02 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:

> Greetings all;
> I've just swapped machines because that failed one got nailed by a 
> lightning surge while I was in the shop with a heart attack.  3 
> different psu's didn't restore the green led in a decade old dell, so I 
> swapped the whole box except for the HD.
> But udevs UN-persistent rules have apparently run out of eth0 names, 
> renaming the only ethernet port it has to eth2.  So I either rename it 
> to eth2 in /e/n/i, or kill the rule that advances the name.  Since those 
> old dells only come with one port, I'd much druther have a fixed name.
> What, in wheezy, /lib/udev/rules.d rule do I nuke so eth0 remains eth0 
> regardless of which box I put that drive in?

The subject header is completely uninformative. The subject body is
unformative but unintellible.

Could we have posts without medical details. They make me feel quesy).


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