On Mon, 19 Aug 2019 11:33:52 +0200
Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:

>  On Mon 19/Aug/2019 03:15:45 +0200 Celejar wrote:
> > I think terming Google's decision to call software that doesn't
> > implement OAuth "less secure" "evil" is hyperbole that doesn't help our
> > broader cause of opposing its breaking of standards, imposing various
> > sorts of lock-in, invasions of privacy, etc.
> Breaking of standards?  Not sure about the web, but for email
> protocols Google counts many active participants and gmail is often
> among the early adopters (e.g. ARC).

I think I've seen many reports of Gmail's breaking of standards over
the years, but here's one that I've been able to find:



> At this point I realize this message is not so off-topic as I had
> figured when I hit the reply button.  So, let me mention I'm also
> still running my own server.  I use Courier-MTA, which integrates SMTP
> and IMAP with maildrop (delivery agent and mail filter) and a plethora
> of utilities.  Of course, I recommend it.

I'd love to run my own mail stack, and I think I could handle the
software deployment reasonably well, but from everything I've read,
the headaches required to make sure that major mail operators will
actually accept my mail are more than I have time or patience for:



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