On Lu, 12 aug 19, 08:49:34, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> The other tip about kernel install selection is to install something
> like kernel-i386 or kernel-x86 without all of the long version numbers
> as suffixes in their names.

This is a good idea in general. For the amd64 architecture the package 
name would be linux-image-amd64.

> You get those kernels by default unless you
> run install with expert operational in which case you then get presented
> with all of the choices.  I expect one way or the other you have this
> covered correctly, so it could be something between you and debian pool
> is misconfigured.

More likely in this case, because it's the same package name.

@John: please post the output of:

$ apt policy linux-image-4.19.0-5-*

Kind regard,

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