Hi, my monitor (Samsung S22F350FHU 22"") doesn't play nicely with my ThinkCentre M92p. I tried to mess with setting, and I got it to work somewhat ok-ish but the picture is still a little blurry and I got small black vertical lines on both sides.
A friend of mine offered to give me a MSI GeForce GT 710 graphics card for free. I've always been a little afraid of graphics cards + gnu/linux and avoided it like the pest because of all the associated proeblems of getting drives to work and all that. But if I accept my friends kind offer, how hard would it be to get it to work properly on buster with my setup? I did some lazy duckduckgoing but it seems like the answers were of varying quality and "hardness". What do I need to do to make if work (if's possible at all)? I would prefer to use free software but I'm open to using non-free stuff if it's a quick fix. I'm sorry if this is stupid and or vague. I'm not so good with hardware and I'm not sure how to ask the right questions. With kind regards -- Jonas Hedman PGP: 8F72 C5BE AAFA B4BA 8F46 9185 5C39 89E0 616B B08C
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