* Nunya ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [031211 02:40]:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 12:38:03AM -0500, ScruLoose wrote:
> > AFAIK, mutt cannot be made to actually issue a prompt in any of these
> > cases. So I guess if you really _really_ want to be prompted (instead of
> > just using the appropriate command in the first place) then you are
> > trying to make mutt do something outside its usual behaviour after all.
> Thanks for the reply.  Yes, I was wishing for Mutt to help me out 
> instead of making me cogitate "which is appropriate here" when it's 
> usually clear from context.  (In particular the choice between <g> in 
> Inbox and <l> for Lists.  I never want the <g> behavior for Lists, and 
> <l> does nothing for non-lists).  I'll ask on mutt-users.
Assuming you have your list mail delivered into folders beneath =lists:

folder-hook . 'bind index g group-reply'
folder-hook . 'bind pager g group-reply'
folder-hook =lists 'bind index g list-reply'
folder-hook =lists 'bind pager g list-reply'

good times,
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