On 8/1/2019 9:55 PM, Reco wrote:
>       Hi.
> On Thu, Aug 01, 2019 at 09:25:53PM +0200, john doe wrote:
>> I'm trying to follow the example of (1, 9.2.4. HTTP streaming) but I'm
>> getting nowhere:
>> "9.2.4. HTTP streaming
>> Stream in HTTP :"
>> "on the server, run :
>> % vlc -vvv input_stream --sout
>> '#standard{access=http,mux=ogg,url=server.example.org:8080}'
>> •
>> on the client(s), run :
>> % vlc http://server.example.org:8080";
>> Can someone confirm that the two commands  work for him/her?
>> Any input is welcome.
> First I'd like to suggest an alternative approach (got that link from
> https://github.com/notanewbie/LegalStream):
> apt install mpd mpc
> mpc add 
> https://bcsecurelivehls-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/621275/1539097700001/master.m3u8
> mpc play
> Works for me for audio (it's a video stream, mpd can only do audio), no
> X required (mpd depends on libpulse0, it pulls some X dependencies).
> Does require reading /etc/mpd.conf and maybe changing it though.
> Second, this starts an HTTP streaming server listening port 8080, all
> IPv4 addresses (host's called buster):
> cvlc 01-Demanufacture.flac --sout 
> '#standard{access=http,mux=ogg,url='
> This plays the file for me:
> mpv http://buster:8080
> So, something like this should work for you (assuming same host, run
> these in different sessions):
> cvlc 
> https://bcsecurelivehls-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/621275/1539097700001/master.m3u8
>  \
>  --sout '#standard{access=http,mux=ogg,url='
> clvc http://localhost:8080

Simply changing '' to '' does the trick.
You save the rest of my day and my night.

I'll look at your suggestion tmrw.

Much appriciated, thanks Rico.

John Doe

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