On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 19:06:08 -0400
Celejar <cele...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 29 Jul 2019 13:57:25 +0300
> Reco <recovery...@enotuniq.net> wrote:
> ...
> > WPA2's (that's your conventional WiFi standard) secure
> > configuration is fiendishly difficult.   
> I take your point, but "fiendishly difficult"? I think you're
> exaggerating.

I take it we're talking RADIUS here? There are several different things
to get exactly right, otherwise it just sulks and doesn't tell you why.

It took me about three days last time I tried it, several years ago. I'm
in the process of trying it again, I believe (!) that I have FreeRADIUS
and the certificates right, now I'm trying to get both the enthusiasm
and the time to finish it. 

I had a try at installing certificates on a stretch netbook using
Network Manager, but the 'save' button stayed greyed out, and no, it
wouldn't tell me why. I'll probably try it on a Windows laptop, with
more confidence of it working. 

And I know that my Cisco router has a bug around the RADIUS
configuration. I can't recall what it is, but I found a workaround
before so I'll probably manage it again. It manifests itself by
(silently) not sending anything to the server. Great.

But plug and play? No way. 'Fiendishly difficult'? Mmmmm, I'll tell you
that after I've got it working.


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