On Sun, Jul 21, 2019 at 4:50 AM Michael Kesper <mkes...@schokokeks.org> wrote:
> Am 21. Juli 2019 02:45:39 MESZ schrieb Shahryar Afifi 
> <shahryaraf...@yahoo.com>:
> >here is my setup:
> >X61 with Middleton's bios (SATA 2)
> >...
> ...
> The X61 will throttle SSD throughput as it has less bandwidth than modern 
> SATA adapters. So, transferring those 6 GB
> will take time...

OP apparently runs a modified BIOS that removes the crippled X61 SATA
and at least enables SATA II. I've considered giving my old X61 the
same treatment. I seriously doubt that the SATA II bus speed is the
bottleneck here.

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