
I upgraded to Debian 10 recently and it looks like logrotate is not working on 
files outside the /var directory:

For example,

Jul 21 00:00:01 server-name logrotate[8874]: error: error renaming 
/usr/local/apache/logs/https-error_log.12.gz to 
/usr/local/apache/logs/https-error_log.13.gz: Read-only file system
Jul 21 00:00:03 server-name logrotate[8874]: error: unable to open 
/usr/local/backup/mysql/mysql.sql.1 for compression

The files are present, and I am able to logrotate them manually as root when I 
run logrotate against the config files in /etc/logrotate.d--it just fails when 
it is run automatically.

May I know if something has changed recently to cause this?


Tan Shao Yi

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