On 7/15/19 3:15 PM, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 03:09:28PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
Well, in this particular case, the Quest SMA is a Systems Management
Appliance, which provides management and data-collection capabilities of
devices on a network. When a sysadmin wants to use the SMA to find out about
PCs on the network, particularly Linux PCs, particularly Debian PCs,
particularly Debian PCs of a certain version, that SMA itself must first
know that information. That's part of what the SMA does; it goes and and
collects information about the devices.
And yet it can't even figure out how to see the version number of a
Debian GNU/Linux system. Are you sure you want to continue using this
product? It doesn't sound very capable.
- Wasn't my choice.
- Every product has short-comings (and many support far fewer platforms;
I'm thankful Quest works with Linux at all).
- They plainly state that they support Ubuntu 18.04, but not Debian. It
worked fine on Debian until Debian changed with Buster. Had I stuck with
Stretch, there would have been no problem. When they support the next
version of Ubuntu, there will probably again be no problem. As it is, it
still works; it just took some effort from me to get their product to
work with an up-front-stated unsupported Debian.