On 13.07.2019 12:44, ho...@rumormillnews.com wrote:
>> On Fri, 12 Jul 2019 20:22:55 -0400
>> ho...@rumormillnews.com wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 12 Jul 2019 17:52:43 -0400
>>>> ho...@rumormillnews.com wrote:
>>>>> Following recent 'buster' move to 'stable' I got wild psychedelic
>>>>> colors
>>>>> on my XFCE desktop, making it nearly impossible to read anything
>>>>> on-screen.
>>>>> Normally I'd have display set for 1024x768.  I've found I can get
>>>>> normal
>>>>> color on the GUI if I switch to 1600x900.  However, even then, if I
>>>>> switch
>>>>> to console (F1-F6) or if the screensaver comes on, on return the
>>>>> psychedelic colors are back.  If I log out / log in to the desktop,
>>>>> normal
>>>>> colors return with the 1600x900 setting only.
>>>>> AMD A10-7860K Radeon R7.  ASUSTEK A68HM-K motherboard.
>>>>> firmware-linux-free and firmware-linux-nonfree are installed.
>>>>> Is this a bug?  Is there a fix? I'd like to get my normal colors and
>>>>> normal resolution back.  Thanks in advance for any help.
>>>> Try a different theme. The switch from GTK-2 to GTK-3 results in a mess
>>>> if the wrong theme is used.
>>> Thanks. :)  Using GTK-ChTheme (which says it's for GTK+ 2, but I don't
>>> see
>>> a similar utility for GTK+ 3) I switched to Xfce 4.4 but got no
>>> improvement.  Should I be approaching this theme change some other way?
>> You have the right idea, however, perhaps try adwaita, which is a GTK-3
>> specific theme.
> Whoa!  I tried to take screenshots so folks could see what I've been
> trying to describe. Shot of normal screen turns out as expected.  Shot of
> psychedelic screen turns out ... identical to shot of normal screen!!!  In
> other words, what's present in graphic memory space is not the same as
> what's being transmitted to my display/monitor, sometimes.  Where's Rod
> Serling when we need him...? :)
What display/monitor do you use? Do you connect it using HDMI cable?
I remember another list user was asking same question with identical
symptoms sometime ago.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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