On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 03:09:24PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> On Wed 10 Jul 2019 at 10:25:29 (+0200), to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 08:18:31AM -0000, Curt wrote:


> > >                    There are legions of snobs here, though, who, at the
> > > drop of just about any hat, will suggest you switch to mutt, purge
> > > Network Manager, eradicate Gnome, clear out the avahi-daemon, compose in
> > > emacs, and open all windows in FVWM (and the list goes on).
> Why "snobs"? Until I inherited this laptop, I never had the hardware
> to be able to run a DE like Gnome, so mutt/emacs/fvwm were sensible
> choices. Having used them now for over 20 years, I see little point
> in changing. I'm not bothered whether anyone switches to them, though
> I guess just saying here that you use them carries that implication
> for some people.
> I think *this* laptop could run a DE and VMs and so on. But there has
> to be some incentive to add complexity. Put them in the queue, behind
> learning IPv6 and other things that people say I ought to know about.


Here's a slightly different "snob" biography: wrt GUIs (in the Unix
world) I started out with twm (yes, /that/ old). Was inrigued at the
time by olwm and (especially!) gwm [1]. But my hardware at the time
(386, 4MB RAM -- no typo!) didn't make those enjoyable.

Later fvwm, fvwm2, Gnome (I was an ardent fan of Gnome and Gtk,
still have some C/Gtk programs running at customer's sites, one
in production since 2002 which still receives updates).

Since around Gnome2/3 transitions I desperately started to look
for alternatives. First it was XFCE, then a couple of tiling WMs
(awesome was one of them), now I'm back to fvwm.

Happy as a clam.

Now I know I'm conflating WMs and DEs (I know the difference, g
figure). I know I can't throw fvwm onto most of my customers.
I'm an old guy, you know?

But there's one thing I can't stand, and that's authoritarian
software. And as those DEs evolve, they all tend to develop
that trait. It gives me goosebumps. My desk has a couple of
dents because of that.


[1] https://tronche.com/gui/x/gwm/html-manual/index.html

-- tomás

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