Teemu Likonen [2019-07-07T14:29:03+03] wrote:

> The problem: X server doesn't start anymore with DebianĀ 10's default
> kernel version 4.19. The X server starts and works nicely with kernel
> 4.9 which I have still installed from Debian 9.
> What happens: Even a simple X session like "startx /usr/bin/xterm"
> just freezes. After freeze if I change to different virtual console
> and back with Ctrl+Alt+Fn the X session crashes and the Xorg.0.log is
> appended with this:

Solved. The X server chooses automatically some wrong graphics module
("modeset" I guess). If I force it to use "intel" module the X server
works again. So I created /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/my.conf file with this

    Section "Device"
            Identifier  "Card0"
            Driver      "intel"

> I reported the issue here:
>     https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=931528

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