On Thu 27 Jun 2019 at 18:44:59 (+0300), Reco wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 10:24:51AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > That has led to finding these lines in systemd's journal:
> ...
> > Jun 27 09:47:06 west systemd-backlight[615]: Failed to write 
> > system 'brightness' attribute: Input/output error
> ...
> > which suggests there's something wrong with the backlight.
> Hardly. More likely there's something wrong with the appropriate kernel
> facility.

I'm afraid that's unlikely, based on the evidence that you snipped:

    > On Fri 10 May 2019 at 13:20:39 -0500, David Wright wrote:
    > > My interest in this stems from a Laptop on which you are blind until
    > > the kernel loads (ie text pours down the screen). No boot selection
    > > menu, no CMOS screens, no Grub screens.

When the laptop is being powered up regularly, the display works for
about as long as the progress bar on the DELL screen takes to cross
from side to side: I would estimate it's about one second. The problem
came on gradually in Jan 2017. During use, the screen would flicker
a little, then die.

So my strategy was (1) set the CMOS to boot USB/optical/hard drive in
that order. I did that a year ago, after it had been powered off for
a week. (2) Leave a stretch installation USB stick by it, ready for
whenever I got a chance to use it. (3) Go on holiday. When I got
back, I had a long enough period with a display showing to get to:

  ┌────────────────┤ [!!] Continue installation remotely using SSH 
  │                                    Start SSH                                
  │ To continue the installation, please use an SSH client to connect to the IP 
  │ address 192.168.1.xxx fe80::xxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx and log in as the 
"installer"    │   
  │ user. For example:                                                          
  │    ssh instal...@192.168.1.xxx                                              
  │ The fingerprint of this SSH server's host key is:                           
  │ SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                          
  │ Please check this carefully against the fingerprint reported by your SSH 
  │                                  <Continue>                                 

at which point I'm home and dry.

> Basically what this systemd unit tries to do is to write a saved value
> to /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness.
> Kernel responds to this with EIO, which is unusual for the laptop (to be
> expected for the desktop as there's no backlight there).
> It may be possible to workaround this with certain knobs of i915 kernel
> module (enable_dpcd_backlight or invert_brightness), I'd try the latter
> first.
> I.e. try adding "i915.invert_brightness=1" or
> "i915.enable_dpcd_backlight=1" to the kernel's commandline.

Yes, I've also looked at the values from /sys/…/*backlight/… and they
all behave sensibly. But the screen flickers a little, then goes out.
That's why I think it might be something like a capacitor charging up.
Over a period of weeks, it could discharge back to behaving normally.

But I'm not looking for a fix to the problem, just workarounds to make
it possible to do things like install, that require the early screens
which the external monitor won't display.


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