Hi David, time is my main constraint. I'm soon going to have none left for 
evaluating benchmarks. I think a better use of available time would be to start 
fundraising to get Teres-I boot without micro SD. But then I don't know if the 
ethical case for that laptop is strong enough compared to other pressing needs 
of the community. My use case seems minimal and/or unrealistic. Best regards. 

On 22 June 2019 01:00:51 CEST, David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> 
>On 6/21/19 12:28 AM, Erik Josefsson wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> On 6/19/19 3:38 AM, David Christensen wrote:
>>> The best way to answer your question regarding performance of a size
>>> SD card vs. a size 2*N SD card is to buy two cards and benchmark
>>> using your workload.  Please publish your findings.
>> Please find my four (4) findings below or at 
>> http://paste.debian.net/1088723
>> The only benchmark I know how to use is flashbench. But unfortunately
>> don't know how to interpret the resulting data.
>> I would be immensely grateful for advise on which of the 4 cards to
>> The testing was simple. I have downloaded and put the same copy of
>> redpill RC3 image from http://box.redpill.dk/nonfree/ onto each SD
>> then I have followed the instructions. Each card now has an "Extended
>> system" created by the command box-add-gui on the same machine.
>> Then I have installed aptitude, run update and upgrade and autoclean,
>> and then installed and run flashbench with parameters: flashbench -a 
>> /dev/mmcblk0 --blocksize=1024
>> The four cards are:
>> MicroSD SanDisk Extreme PRO  64GB  [3]  XC II
>> MicroSD SanDisk Extreme PLUS  64GB  [3]  XC I  V30  A2
>> MicroSD SanDisk Extreme PLUS  32GB  [3]  HC I  V30  A1
>> MicroSD SanDisk Ultra  32GB  [1]  HC I  (10)  A1
>> I can send a picture of the cards off list if this is unclear.
>> So the question is, which card should I use for Teres-I ?
>> If there are further benchmarks or tests that could help determine
>> SD card is the best, I'd be happy to run them.
>> Best regards.
>> //Erik
>I'm not familiar with flashbench.  Every tool has a learning curve;
>up to you to decide how much effort you want to put into it.
>When I wrote "benchmark them using your workload", I was thinking 
>"install Debian, install your apps, run your apps, quantify what you 
>can".  If you're doing command-line stuff, the 'time' built-in for Bash
>can be very useful.  But, it's also good to get a subjective feel for 
>the system on the various media -- does it lag?  Does it stutter/ 
>freeze?  Does it crash?
>I found that Debian and FreeBSD on SanDisk Ultra Fit 16 GB USB 3.0
>drives was "good enough" for headless servers, but stuttered/ froze for
>interactive graphical desktop use (during disk I/O; especially writes).
>I have since migrated to used 16 GB SSD's.  (Does your target hardware 
>have a SATA port?)

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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