On Friday 14 June 2019 09:04:22 am Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 02:58:05PM +0200, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > That's my standard setup: the files belong to a "www admin" (can be
> > a regular user, can be root) and have the group www-data. So the web
> > server hasn't (usually) write access to normal htmls and cgi-bins
> > (oh, for the last, execute access for the group is necessary, so
> > 075x.
> Changing the group-owner of the files is one possible approach, yes.
> However, I prefer to remind myself that if I put something on the web,
> the entire world can see it.  So any attempt to restrict who can read
> the files on my local system would be entirely pointless, if they can
> simply read them on the world wide web instead.

That is the intended scenario. The problem was in getting the files to a 
place where I could manipulate the rights, then move them to where they 
could be seen on my web page. They can now be accessed by the world, 
although its not something most would try to do with a pi. Realtime 
kernels for armhf, aren't that great, often giving IRQ delays of several 
milliseconds. But at the speeds of a bigger lathe, its actually "good 
enough for the girls I go with".

Although its customary to run a threading tap at whats a good cutting 
speed, when rigid tapping on a lathe, one must consider the weight of 
the spinning chuck, which at 40 lbs, can cause quite a delay between 
issuing the reverse command at the bottom of the hole, the overshoot can 
run the tap into the bottom of the hole, lock it and break it. Its 
possible to measure this over shoot while cutting air, which I am going, 
and offset the reversal point, which I am doing by hand, but its also 
possible to make it automatic, something I've yet to attempt to do, but 
on paper looks easy enough. But realistically, 300 revs and a 40 lb 
chuck is making the drive belts yelp at reverse time now, with just a 1 
hp motor. Overshoot is about 3.5 turns, so thats a good indicator to 
slow it some more.  But the fact that I have done it, can do it with a 
70 year old formerly manual machine does drop jaws.  I'll readily admit 
I like to impress any visiting frogs there may be. :)

> Thus, making the files world-readable is completely rational.  And
> saves you the headaches and hassles of managing group permissions and
> umasks and so on.  (However, those headaches may return if you are
> trying to allow multiple people administrative access to the content. 
> That's a separate issue.)

And as long as I am still sucking air, I am the lone admin.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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