Hi, thank you for the response. 

> Which image exactly are you using ?
Please tell the download URL and a checksum after download (MD5 or some

This is the image I’m now using. (see note below at end of message re. Buster)

So, firstly, I made a mistake when I downloaded the image, I managed to 
overwrite the full DVD image with the netinst one (but kept the name), hence 
the missing packages - My mistake completely. I’m currently running Buster RC1 
and the installed system works fine. ....But...

> But first you should try to find out why you don't get the software
of build-essential. Then you can ask the right questions about a remedy.

OK, I have a done a full install using the expert install method, selecting in 
this instance Gnome as a DE. I have also selected the standard utilities. There 
is no way in the installer to selecting anything else, apart from the various 
DE/WM builds, ‘print server’, ‘ssh server’ etc etc. There is no option to 
select ‘build-essential’ or ‘Development Tools’. The installer finished by 
installing ~1366 packages. 
The installed system boots fine, I log in and do a 'dpkg -l’ to list all 
packages and there is no trace of any development tools. On my installed system 
I’m missing ‘g++’, ‘make’, ‘dpkg-dev’, ‘fakeroot’ and everything else 
associated with the ‘build-essential’ meta package. I don’t have any kernel 
headers either. I have ‘gcc-8-base’, but that is all in reference to build 
The 'build-essential’ package is on the install USB image, I just cannot find a 
way to install it directly to my machine without getting sucked into dependancy 

I still don’t understand why the installer won’t allow you to select 
‘Development Tools’ as an option when you select packages? Surely it’s a key 
package to have if you don’t have net access while installing the OS? Is this 
to be taken up with the debian-cd list?

Anyhow, I sorted the install image so I can hopefully move forward now. 

PS - The reason I’m using Buster and not 9.8/9.9 is the older installer on 
9.8/9.9 gives an unreadable display on the HP 6470b laptop I’m installing on. 
On Buster I can pass ‘gfxpayload=keep’ in the grub command line and it allows 
for a readable display. This is a known issue with this older range of HP 

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