On 6/4/19 2:03 PM, ghe wrote:

Sorry Mr Doe. Pressed the wrong button and sent to you instead of the

> On 6/4/19 11:32 AM, john doe wrote:
>> Do you mind sharing how you get it sorted out?

> Not at all. This 'trivial' software wasn't at all trivial for me to set
> up properly -- lots of confusion, wrong assumptions, and futzing. Much
> more trouble than configuring Cisco's (thoroughly documented) IOS...
> So, and IIRC,
> When I installed, it didn't show up in ps, but it was there when I tried
> to get it to save a file. I think it must have been in inetd. I was
> expecting it to be a daemon by default.
> And it was writing to /srv/tftp (as per the inetd config that I didn't
> know existed). That took a bit of thinking, since I'd always thought
> TFTP used /tftpboot. And I'd never heard of /srv/tftp. Some surfing the
> web found useful info about that.
> When I replaced its tftp dir in /srv with a link to /tftpboot, it
> started writing to where I expected it to.
> I edited its config file (/etc/default/atftpd) to point it at /tftpboot
> and not to use inetd, but a restart of the server didn't seem to make
> any difference. Rebooting the computer did, though, and it showed up in
> ps with the options I'd written in the config.
> The program (as a daemon), systemd, my router, my firewall, and I are
> all happy now.
> It might be an idea for somebody to add a bit more info to the man page,
> and/or the web site, to explain just what needs to happen to make this
> go. It's pretty straightforward when you know its secrets and gotchas.
> It might also be nice if systemd wouldn't ignore the echo commands in
> the init shell script -- some of them have been put there to try to
> figure why something's not working.

Glenn English

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