On 2019-05-26 00:49, Markos wrote:
I made a program (reading_room.tcl), with Sqlite running on Debian 9,
to control the books of a reading room.
I implemented an authentication system for common users and
administrator users in the reading_room program.
Now I want that any user logged in the Linux be able to run the
program reading_room.tcl, which will access the database (books.db)
But I want to protect the file books.db so that only the the program
reading_room.tcl can access the books.db file. But that no user could
delete or write to the file books.db (only the program
Please, how can I configure the system to do that?
How to define the permissions?
I'll have a go, sure I'll get pulled up if off.
read 4, write 2, execute 1 add these together for permissions
owner, group, anybody
I never did anything on a PC with other people having access so I never
made a file only executable by anybody but I don't see why not.
As you wrote reading_room.tcl presume that belongs to you.
I don't know anything about tcl as yet but assume it's executable as it
is and does something.
You may have a group librarians that want to have read/write access to
Assume you have backups of the files.
guess books.db wants to be 644
"su -"
"chmod 644 books.db"
or if the librarians want write access to it.
"chown you.librarians books.db"
"chmod 664 books.db"
"chown you.librarians reading_room.tcl"
"chmod 771 reading_room.tcl"