On 23/5/19 12:36 am, Stefan K wrote:
we've some problems with Debian stretch which try to mount nfs4 shares at
boot-time, sometimes it works and sometimes not. If its not mounting during
start I can mount it after I login without problems.
A successfull (re)boot look like [1] and a (re)boot which doesn't mount the
shares look like [2].
For me it looks like that it comes to a race condition and it try to mount it
without a working networkstack. the /etc/fstab looks like:
srv-storage:/scratch /scratch nfs defaults 0 2
srv-storage:/home /data/home nfs defaults 0 2
I also try to use _netdev as mountoptions, but it didn't work.
Has anyone an idea how to solve this?
best regards
[1] https://debianforum.de/forum/pastebin/?mode=view&s=40729
[2] https://debianforum.de/forum/pastebin/?mode=view&s=40728
Wonder what would happen if you used the IP address instead of the
Keith Bainbridge
+61 (0)447 667 468