On Saturday 25 May 2019 12:36:51 pm rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:

> > On Sat, May 25, 2019 at 06:52:00AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > the installer locked me to ipv6, and the nearest ipv6 connectivity
> > > is probably in Pittsburgh PA, 140 some miles north of me. The
> > > installer hasn't brains enough to try ipv4 when it can't find
> > > anything working in ipv6.
> Just thinking out loud (with no knowledge of exactly where you live --
> what about Morgantown?  I'd be a little surprised if WVU and the town
> around it did not support ipv6 (although maybe no external (to WVU)
> ISPs support it).

Morgantown is 40+ miles up the superslab from here. We have very poorly 
maintained dsl from frontier, or nearly any bandwidth you can afford 
from shentel, the cable tv folks. After being without a phone the first 
5 months of 2013 because vz wouldn't fix anything, I voted with my 
wallet and switched it all to the cable. We've been w/o a phone or net 
for maybe 3 weeks after bad storms that took the whole county down and 
we listened to our 20kw nat gas in the back yard because all the 
batteries were dead. Old ipv4 only Arris modems and I've not toted any 
ipv6 stuffs in dd-wrt in my router either.  With no configuration 
support for ipv6 available here on this list (I have asked, thinking I'd 
make my local net ipv6, but that would take a 6 to 4 nat in the router), 
I've nuked it out of all my network configs as my local net with several 
hundred feet of cat5 and 6 seems stuck at 100 Mb, plenty fast enough for 
me.  I'll have to reconfigure it all from scratch if and when it arrives 
here, but at my age, 84, I'll probably miss roll call first and it will 
be somebody else's problem, I'm running on a battery now. The doc says 
the battery is good for ten years, but there are other problems that 
will stop me before then I suspect.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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