On Wednesday 22 May 2019 02:32:58 pm Felix Miata wrote:

> Gene Heskett composed on 2019-05-22 12:56 (UTC-0400):
> > I guess I'll take my chance on the $40 wallies canon.
> Unless it will only by used with that other OS, that would be the
> highest possible risk.
Well, I've known the guy at wallies for a decade and change, and as I was 
audibly compareing the $40 canon ad the $70 hp, he said he couldn't say 
anything good about any canon he's ever owned, so I bought the Hp Envy 
5255 along with a spare package of cartridges.  When I got it unpacked 
on the table with the hp computer, the wifi hooked up and it auto 
configed the printer & scanner, then hunted around until I found a print 
control gui, and sent the screenshot I made last night to it. At this 
point all I can say is it Just Worked. On glossier paper I can send them 
to the Friendly Candy Company, suitably impressing the frogs in the DC 

Going thru the self-checkout it offered me a loooong warranty for a $5 
bill. Needless to say I jumped at that chance for failure insurance.

Thanks Felix.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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