
        I would be very interested in the answers to that, too. 

        Vipul, I sugges you subscribe to this mailing list, as well as debian-
mentors. That should make things easier.


On Wed, 2019-05-08 at 13:26 +0000, Vipul wrote:
> Hey there,
> I've been using Debian from couples of years but haven't contributed yet back
> to community. I want to contribute to Debian by maintaining packages and
> fixing bugs. Since I'm using Debian for work purpose also so, I don't want to
> mess-up  with my system by installing unstable packages or libraries. Is there
> a way to get isolation for work & contribution purpose to keep yourself
> organized? 
>     I can get isolation by using Docker image or install one more copy of
> Debian in PC and switch between them but that would be painful. I want to hear
> from contributors & maintainers Which method they are using or prefer to get
> isolation?
> Sorry, if this a wrong place to ask this question, then where should I ask?
> Cheers,
> VIpul
> PS: I'm not subscribed to this mailing.

Francisco M Neto

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