On 2019-05-01 21:17, Siard wrote:
mick crane wrote:
I've got a bunch of jpgs from the camera where the bits I want are a bit
underexposed. What I'd like is a GUI that will batch process them.
Any suggestions for available GUI that will batch process jpgs ?

First, you could install gimp-plugin-registry. It adds, among others, DBP
a.k.a. 'David's Batch processor' to Gimp. Then in Gimp, under Filters >
Batch > Batch Process... > tab 'Colour', you can either check 'Auto Levels'
or adjust brightness, contrast and saturation manually.

Second, you could try aaphoto. It is a command-line program, but very
simple. It tries to make the picture look better by setting the optimal
contrast, gamma, color balance and saturation for it.

thanks for these

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