On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 21:09:33 +0000,
shirish शिरीष<shirisha...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Dear all,
>I am sharing a specific key so it's simple and easy to show -
>    $ apt-key list
>    /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-jessie-security-automatic.gpg
>    -------------------------------------------------------------------
>    pub   rsa4096 2014-11-21 [SC] [expires: 2022-11-19]
>          D211 6914 1CEC D440 F2EB  8DDA 9D6D 8F6B C857 C906
>    uid           [ unknown] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing
>Key (8/jessie) <ftpmas...@debian.org>
>    $ sudo apt-key del D21169141CECD440F2EB8DDA9D6D8F6BC857C906
>    [sudo] password for shirish:
>    OK
>Again running the apt-key list tells me that the key is no longer
>I tried it with some different keys if using the short keycode for
>e.g. if just using the first 8 alphanumeric keys it works, but found
>it doesn't.

I am not 100% sure I am understanding you correctly, but the short
keyID for a gpg key is the _last_ 8 characters and not the 8 first -
With the key you describe above, the short keyID is C857C906.

This might be the cause of your confusion.

And in addition to this, see


-- Andreas Rönnquist

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