
You will have to wait for the next point release of Stretch for this
package being integrated in the stable repository. Meanwhile, you can
add the proposed-update repository to your sources.list to grab the
proposed-updates, like described in [1]. Also, looking at [2], we see
ca-certificates-java version ~deb9u2 is there accepted. Adding the
following lines should make it available into your instance.

# proposed updates for the next point release
deb http://http.debian.net/debian stretch-proposed-updates main

[1] https://www.debian.org/releases/proposed-updates.html
[2] https://release.debian.org/proposed-updates/stable.html


Le jeu. 11 avr. 2019 à 06:37, Luke Picciau <lpicc...@connexion.com.au> a écrit :
> I have been tracking this package
> https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/ca-certificates-java for about a month
> because the package version 20170929~deb9u1 which is in stable has a bug
> which is blocking my docker image builds. Version 20170929~deb9u2 should
> fix it but the package has been in stable-p-u for a while now. How long
> usually does it take for a package to move from stable-p-u to stable?
> And is there any way I can install just that one package as the newer
> version on debian stretch without changing the repos to testing for the
> whole OS?

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