Le mar. 26 mars 2019 à 14:20, Nicholas Geovanis
<nickgeova...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> I'm pretty sure that I encountered this in the past but I don't have any 
> proof to hand.
> IIRC when the release enters LTS the backports stop being augmented. Is that 
> (still)
> correct? Therefore there will be no repository for them. IIRC I once found a 
> statement
> to that effect in the debian wiki. But again my evidence is not right now 
> available.

This seems like a sound explanation. Would be nice to have it
confirmed or infirmed.

BTW, a similar issue [1] have been reported to debian-lts@. I linked
this thread and Bernie's thread in it. I hope we get a clear answer
about the jessie-updates/ impact.

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts/2019/03/msg00117.html

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