On Sun 10 Mar 2019 at 13:18:54 -0400, deb wrote: > I posted a question A/Vs and got negative waves like the below.
It only looks "negative" because you have an agenda. I myself thought the responses were reasonable and balanced. > Several people ASS-UMED I was trying to kludge Windows into Linux, > (see Canonical if you want to find Linux-folk sucking up to Windows) > instead of working to bring Linux into Windows strongholds (and > be aware of the problems there.) Knocking Canonical (who produce a premier Linux distribution) doesn't advance your argument; it is unclear what that is. > Some just crushed my starting points, without alternatives. > > > N.I.C.E. Your argument (for what it was) was demolished. Explicit alternatives to it are unnecessary when it hasn't a leg to stand on. > It is little wonder that Linux can not beat Windows on the desktop (as it > should), Is that part of the agenda? > if this is how people are helped who are trying to Bring In Linux. Or is this the nub? The Lone Ranger syndrome. > Crumogeon tip: It is no longer 1972. If you have nothing nice or at least > helpful to say on a USER list, say nothing at all. All the responses were helpful. You just have to fit them into your World View and accomodate them -- Brian.