
csj (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

> On 7. December 2003 at 10:52PM +0100,
> Andreas Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You can of course use predefined connections with pon/poff if
>> you are in the dip group, and you can create your own ones for
>> use with kppp /without/ kppp being suid root, if you are in the
>> dialout group.
> It's the "predefined" part that's the problem.  Let's say I'm on
> vacation and my friend borrows my computer.  He reads about a
> promo from Dirt-Cheap-ISP and decides to subscribe.  How is he
> going to enter his login details, without going root, to connect
> to Dirt-Cheap-ISP?  It seems his only choice is kppp, which needs
> to be suid root to make it user configurable.

No, again: kppp /does/ /not/ have to be suid root. I use kppp to dial in
using login and passwort defined within kppp, and it is not suid root:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ll /usr/bin/kppp
-rwxr-sr--    1 root     dip          405k 11. Sep 13:48 /usr/bin/kppp

I am member of the dip and dialout groups, and it works.

best regards
        Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674
Registered Linux User #267976

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