* Paul Schwartz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [031208 10:28]:
> I have just installed Woody on my system.  My first problem is that I 
> can't start the X server.  Searching various archives I have determined 
> that the problem is most likely associated with the i815 graphics chips 
> on the MB.
> lsmod does not show that agpgart is installed as a module [there is an 
> entry /dev/agpgart]
> modprobe -l agpgart
>    doesn't return anything
> the only files that show up in my installed file system are
> agpgart.h
> /dev/agpgart
> Where do I find the files to install that module?

What kernel are you running?  If you don't know, 'uname -r' will tell

good times,
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."  -- Barry Goldwater 

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