This has to be simple and I'm just missing it.
If I pull a filename from a temp file into a variable, I can *ls* it fine.
If I cut off the extension, and tack on my own SAME EXT, *ls* no longer
(The actual script is more elaborate, loading *vlc* , etc -- but this
summarizes & shows my issue)
# mp4file.txt holds just '*long file with spaces.mp4'*
# echo $fname shows the right filename.mp4 string
# works
ls -al "$fname"
# Cut off the extension.
fname=`echo $fname | rev | cut -d. -f2 | rev`
# echo $fname shows the filename sans '.mp4'
# THIS LS FAILS, WITH FILE NOT FOUND (but actually reports the exact
string that worked above, but not being found here).
*ls -al "$fname".mp4**
*ls: cannot access 'long file with spaces.mp4': No such file or directory
It is not:
* a special character thing,
* a carriage return thing,
* a character case thing,
* not helped with './' or '~/' added in front of the filename.
* It's the same string in both spots.
Any thoughts folks?