
Hope this email finds you well.

I just wanted to know if you’re looking to acquire BentleySystems Contact info  
across  the globe for your marketing efforts.

We also have technology Users Like: Adobe ,ANSYS  ,autocad , SAP SE  , IBM  
,Aveva , Autodesk , blender, Blue beamSoftware  ,CISCO  ,Corel ,Dassault 
Systemes  ,Esri  ,GrabCAD  ,Graphisoft  , Hewlett-Packard  ,Microsoft  
,Nemetschek  ,NVIDIA  ,PlanGrid  ,procreate  ,PTC  ,sketchup ,  solidworks, 
Tekla  ,YAHOO , Trimble GRAITEC  and many more.

I just wanted to check if you would be interested in the above mentioned Users 
as they could be your target market.

If you have any other unique requirement and if it is not mentioned above, 
please feel free to share your requirement with us as we can help you with 
on-demand list customized as per your requirement.

Kindly review and let me know if I can share more information on this.

Warm regards,

Samantha Hicks 

Demand Generation

If you wouldn’t like, you can answer back with "overlook" in the title.


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