On 17.02.2019 1:21, Mark Allums wrote:
> On 2/16/19 2:41 AM, Curt wrote:
>> On 2019-02-15, Mark Allums <mark@allums.email> wrote:
>>> I just bought a new backup disk, and I want to check it. It's
>>> mounted in
>>> a USB dock.
>>> Running the following gives an error:
>>> root@martha:~# umount /dev/sdb1
>>> root@martha:~# e2fsck -c -c -C 0 -f -F -k -p /dev/sdb1
>>> /dev/sdb1 is in use.
>>> e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.
>>> What's causing this and how do I fix it?  It's not MATE; I tried
>>> rebooting to rescue mode, but that didn't help.
>>> Mark
>> People sometimes recommend 'fuser' in cases like these in order to
>> identify processes that might be accessing the drive.
>> I mean, the message says '/dev/sdb1 is in use.' Perhaps it is indeed.
>>   fuser -v -m /dev/sdb1
>> Worth a try, maybe, as no one else seems to have suggested it.
> root@martha:~# fuser -v -m /dev/sdb1
> root@martha:~#
> No results.  Thanks.
> Mark
Maybe something simple like "lsof" command can shed some light on this
    $ sudo lsof /dev/sdb
    $ sudo lsof /dev/sdb1

Also show us an output of "gdisk" command:
    $ sudo gdisk -l /dev/sdb

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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