On 1/16/19 8:59 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
Greetings all;
2 instant questions about backintime, which I just now installed to make
small backups as I work on some machine config files, and some gcode to
go with linuxcnc.
This after haveing suffered the of having xmlindent nissfire and left me
with an empty xml file of over 250 loc I've had to reinvent from
A round of shingles to the author of that manpage. Now I know its a
filter you pipe input to, but thats not mentioned in the manpage.
Anyway, I want to setup A) a directory in my home page on that machine
B) two profiles to watch 2 directories and their subdirs as two separate
progile's. which I've done, both useing the same /home/gene/backup dir
for the snapshots.
But all I can get out of backintime-gnome is that the backup location is
Its a terabyte drive, 3% used, what the heck is its problem? I own the
backup dir and everything to be stored in it. I don't intend to ever
backup the system, I have amanda doing that daily for almost 21 years
Am I using the wrong tool?, it certainly feels like it.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
On 1/16/19 11:17 AM, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Option 2: version control system.
On 1/16/19 2:15 PM, Andy Smith wrote:
> I second the suggestion to learn version control...
I started with RCS. The concepts and commands are straight-forward, but
the granularity is per-file. It works great for managing key /etc/*
files on remote servers. But, RCS gets tedious when you want to manage
many files.
I soon discovered CVS, which operates on directories (projects). I put
the CVS repository on my file server and can access any project from any
machine over SSH with the CVS client. This arrangement has proven to be
incredibly useful. (Every night, the file server is backed up and the
CVS repository is also archived.)
The canonical CVS book is "Open Source Development with CVS", which has
been released under GPL3: