Hi, As testing is next to freeze, I wonder wether I should report bug now or find a workaround now for this problem. Even the bug is not critical, it is a problem bcause i pollues strongly my log file. Here is the contents of it, repeated thousands of times: http://paste.debian.net/1058165
With such lines, my log is 120M after max 24 hours of working. How could I: - avoid this line - speed the rotate of logs, removing the Xorg.log file each 12 hours Should I report bug and where? I always have pain to understand Xorg organization. Thanks Regards -- signature_jp_2 Logo Hypra JEAN-PHILIPPE MENGUAL DIRECTEUR TECHNIQUE ET QUALITÉ 102, rue des poissonniers, 75018, Paris Tel : +331 84 73 06 61 <tel:+33184730661> Mob : +336 76 34 93 37 <tel:+33676349337> jpmeng...@hypra.fr <mailto:jpmeng...@hypra.fr> www.hypra.fr <http://www.hypra.fr/> Facebook Hypra <https://www.facebook.com/hyprasoftware/> Twitter Hypra <https://twitter.com/Hypra_> Linkedin Jean-Philippe <https://fr.linkedin.com/in/jean-philippe-mengual-800133135>