On Sun, 30 Dec 2018 at 05:20, Jude DaShiell <jdash...@panix.com> wrote: > > I have a question about the -c fd command line switch. Would the valid > options for fd be stdin stdout and stderr?
The file descriptor fd is a number. It is defined by the parent process. The parent process is typically the shell you use to start e2fsck interactively, or the shell script that starts e2fsck. You can read about file descriptors here: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FileDescriptor The e2fsck man page also explains that if you precede the fd number with a minus sign, then e2fsck will defer writing to the file descriptor until it receives a SIGUSR1 signal. This is a extra feature specific to e2fsck that has nothing to do with file descriptors in general. You can read about signals here: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/SignalTrap